Jewish Military Union (ZZW)
(Polish, Zydowski Zwiazek Wojskowy [ZZW]) � A
military organization in the Warsaw ghetto, founded in
September and
October 1942. Led by P. Frenkel and independent of the
Jewish Combat
Organization (ZOB), it was founded by Zionist-revisionists
Organization, New Zionist Organization) and their youth
The ZZW included a group of Polish Army
soldiers who had participated in the September 1939
campaign. They made
contact with their former comrades in arms. Through them,
communicated with members of the Home Army, thanks to whom
they were
supplied with a significant number of weapons.
ZZW had 200-250 members, who were better armed
and trained than those of the ZOB. Though attempts to unite
these two
groups failed, they did cooperate closely during the
uprising in April
and May 1943. ZZA waged battles near Muranow Square and was
also active
near the brush-makers' workshop. Most of ZZW's members fell
in the
uprising; the rest were killed as they tried to escape from
the ghetto.