Jewish dress
Religious Jewish law strictly defines male
dress, but it did nevertheless change over time and regional
did exist. The restrictions affected women to a lesser
extent, although
religion did dictate certain norms for appearance; rabbis
modesty in dress. The Biblical ban on combining threads made
of wool and
linen was observed, because the vestments of the priests
were made from
this combination in the ancient Temple of Jerusalem.
In the Middle Ages and modern era, Jewish dress did not
differ from
that of the burghers. Wealthy men modeled their dress on
that of the
nobility, and even carried weapons. Church legislation
stipulated that
Jews wear a sign of shame or pointed hats to distinguish
them more
easily from Christians.
These orders were not enforced in Poland. The
Jewish Sejm addressed the issue of apparel several times,
and banned
women for example from wearing expensive adornments and
Chasidic groups kept male dress the same as it had been in
eighteenth century, with only slight modifications, up until
twentieth century. The everyday outer dress was the chalat
khalit], called kapote in Yiddish. The shape and cut was
similar to that
of the noble "zupan", which was modeled on Turkish dress. In
eighteenth century, the color of the chalat varied: in the
Kresy, it was sewn of small vertical stripes, and in the
century it was usually black, to symbolize the Jews'
mourning after the
destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem.
Chasidic boys and men wore tales kutn [Hebrew, talit
katan = small
tallith] under their shirts or instead of a shirt. The tales
kutn were a
kind of shirt made of white canvas that was not sewn on the
sides, and
was decorated on the front like the tallith-with dark blue
or black
stripes, and tzitzis attached to the corners (fringes left
hanging over
the top of the trousers). The trousers of the Chasidim were
knee-length, as had been the habit in the eighteenth
century. Men had
black or white woolen socks and shoes-either tall ones or
flat Turkish
felt shoes. Men covered their heads with a small cap,
yarmulke, over
which was worn either a cap or hat whose form depended on
local fashion.
On holidays, a shtreyml [Yiddish] was worn-caps with a broad
brim made
of fox or sable fur, modeled on the Polish hat known as a
kolpak. During
prayers, men would cover themselves with the tallith and
wear tefilin.
Women usually dressed in line with the current
fashions. Depending on their financial status, they would
dress either
like peasant women or townswomen; the wealthier women would
model their
dress on the models they saw in foreign magazines. In
families, the married women would wear scarves or wigs,
since custom
required that their heads be shaved after marriage so they
would not
evoke sinful lust in their husbands. This also protected
them against
evil spirits, shedim, who entangle themselves in one's hair.
They wore
aprons over their dresses that until the early nineteenth
century used
to be richly embroidered; their dresses should reach their
necks and
have long sleeves covering their elbows.
Although the dress of Sephardic Jews was more varied,
they always
had a chalat (although its style and color was a bit
yarmulke and tzitzis.
(A.C., H.W./CM)