A form of free trade, organized in specific
locations at strictly defined times and featuring
long-distance and
wholesale traders. Fairs facilitated the exchange of goods
regions, as well as being very significant in local trade.
In Poland, fairs flourished in the fifteenth and
centuries, as the production of goods increased. At fairs,
products such
as grain, cattle, furs and wax would be amassed and later
wholesale to the West. The most popular fairs were those in
Belz, Lwow,
Luck, Ratno, Grodno and Wilno, where Lithuanian and
Ukrainian products
were sold. The fairs in Przemysl, Jaroslaw, Przeworsk and
near Krakow, were located on the route along which oxen were
driven. The
fairs in Krakow, Sandomierz, Kazimierz Dolny, Plock and
Torun were
along the Vistula river route. The Lublin fair was
important, because it was there that the most important
wholesalers from
all over the Commonwealth would meet.
The Lublin fair gatherings gave rise to the
meetings of the Jewish Sejm (Diet) and related institutions.
Sessions of
the Jewish Sejm also took place during the fairs themselves,
those in Lublin and Jaroslaw. The Sejm of the Lithuanian
Jews met during
the Leczna fair.
Fairs played a key role in the development of Jewish
trade. Fairs
were not affected by restrictions on trade or the law known
as de non
tolerandis Judaeis, introduced by cities beginning in the
late fifteenth
century. Jewish traders also took part in foreign fairs, in
Wroc�aw and
in Leipzig, which by the second half of the fifteenth
century had
become centers of land-based trade between Western and
Eastern Europe.
In the eighteenth century, the fair network changed as the
importance of
cities along the eastern and central borders of the
increased. These included Leczna, Brzesc, Grodno and Zelwa.
In the nineteenth century, the partitioning powers
smaller and less significant fairs; meanwhile, specialized
developed, such as those for wool, in Warsaw, Poznan and
Lwow; for hops
in Warsaw and Nowy Tomysl; for tobacco in Skwierzyna; for
horses in
Skaryszew; and for textile products in Zelwa.